Portfolio Performance

Semi-Annual Update on the ANAPEF Investment Portfolio


As of market close on Monday, July 20, 2020, the total market value of ANAPEF’s investment portfolio stood at $260,384.00, reflecting an annualized return of 14.10% since August 31, 2019. Additionally, ANAPEF currently has an outstanding amount of $10,000 earmarked for making payments towards fundraising part of which may be directly recovered through ticket sales. That sum, together with a Checking Account balance at Chase Bank of $3,455.00, brings the total funds on hand to $273,839.00.

Investment Capital Deposited to the Fund, and Calculated Fund Returns:

The current reporting period starts from August 31, 2019, at which time the invested fund value was $150,394. Since then, raw inflows totaling $82,500 have been deposited to the investment account at the following periodic dates (with the deposited sum shown against each date): 10/2/2019 [$50,000]; 12/10/2019 [$34,000]; 1/6/2020 [$8,500]; 2/24/2019 [-$10,000]. Each deposit or withdrawal contributes to a time-weighted balance ultimately used as the principal basis to calculate annualized return for the portfolio. The S&P 500 closed at 2924.75 on 8/30/2019 and closed at 3246.25 on 7/20/2020, as such, on an annualized basis it has returned 12.37% in this same period. Our performance benchmark, which is made up of 60% of the S&P500 and 40% of the Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Index, has returned 10.44% over the same period.

Composition of Investment Portfolio:

The ANAPEF Investment Portfolio has been constructed entirely from Mutual Funds, and an uninvested cash position that could be zero sometimes but not always. Our selection of the Mutual Fund indexes currently reflects representation of the following sectors in the portfolio: Global Stocks, IT Services, Semiconductors, the Total Market Index, Medical Technology and Devices, and Retailing.

Investing Constrains and Comments on The Investing Environment:

The ANAPEF Investment Portfolio is occasionally constrained in how much of its available capital it can deploy into Securities positions by funding needs for ANA that arise from time to time, during which periods ANAPEF is required to disburse funds that ANA would borrow temporarily. Additionally, extreme market volatility, as has been witnessed in the marketplace since March 2020 and the heightened attendant uncertainty owing to the global COVID-19 pandemic, has dictated that we curtail allocations into risky assets. Consequently, the fund has had a cash position amounting to about 25% of its total value for several months in a row.


We expect to continue our prudent management of the portfolio to achieve relatively low volatility, while keeping track of our performance benchmark.  

Regulatory Filings

  • Form 990/990EZ

  • Other public filings 

Reports on Disbursement to School and Projects